How to Sabotage Your PR Company’s Pitch

There are a lot of different ways that a PR company can select to get your story out there. The right amount of sharing and sharing the right things can get you headlines in next to no time. Interfering with that or forcing your PR company to do more than they think is adequate could have a negative impact.. Here are a few things that you and your PR company should avoid doing at all costs..

Over Sharing

Sharing a well written Tweet with the right person can result in a great story being written about your company. But if you over share and send the same information to dozens of reporters instead of just an exclusive could have all the reporters lose interest. It makes you seem desperate and a media hound. Let your PR company decide who needs to know and trust them to do their job and send the information to the right person.

Irrelevant emails

While a journalist doesn’t mind receiving a relevant email pitch from a company, they object to receiving mail that is irrelevant and does not not relate to their topic of interest.. Make sure that you send your pitches to the reporters who are in the right area and have an interest in your industry. It may take time to figure out which journalist is going to be interested in covering your story, but spending money sending emails to all your journalists will only make it less likely that your future emails will be opened.

Pestering the writers

Journalists work to their own rhythm and deadlines. They do not like to be bothered and constantly asked when they are going to cover a particular pitch. Let your PR company send the pitch and then wait patiently for the story to be published.

You need the media on your side so do not overwhelm them. Send the right journalist the right Tweet or email and let them get on with their job. If the story interests them, they will publish it. If it does not, reearch their interests and pitch on target.